My Internship in India

Publié le par tommy-trip

My workcamp in Pondicherry,


From 16 January to 17 February, I was in India in Pondicherry to make a work camp with a local association FSL India.

I was in India with a friend of my School, Ariane. I was in India because I would like a rewarding experience in a developping nation. In february 2011, I as going in the Balkans with an french association, Equinox. The aim of this road trip was to bring some materials and spend time with people in the need. This was during two weeks, we have give some scolar materials, books, games, bikes, and we were staying in children center for handicape people. It was a really good experience, and this year I wanted to repeat this experience. In bosnia, I enjoyed the time that I spend with handicape children. We learn about this other, but more about us. We have choosen a programm in Pondicherry, the aim was to spend a lot of time with children, and to build some usefull constructions. The title of this work camp was: a social workcamp in India. We started the 16th of January. The first day was devoted to learn about the others volunteers. We were 9 volunteers coming from different countries: three Coreens, three canadiens, one dutch, two french. We were supervised by two Indian boys. Our Boarding House was at the swimming pool center of Pondicherry. The end of our camp was the 17th of February. During one month we have done many activities, always in a way to help them and to give them a chance to have a better future life.


Our main tasks were to create a new fields, plants bananas, paint walls of the school. In the morning, we stay with children, we spend time with the mentally challenged kids. At the beginning it was a little bit difficult, because we are not used to work and spend time with children who are in the need.Children were crazy about music. I think it is a good means for them to express themselves. We tried to teach themselves some musics, some easily song with gestures. We always take the lunch at the orphanage. We came back at our boarding house at the end of the afternoon. The atmosphere was so good. I have discuss with the other volunteer, we have shared our culture.


What I keep about this internship? I had learned a lot about myself. During one months I was in different places, in different environment with people who came from varied backgrounds. At the beginning it was not easy to find the correct words or the right gesture with the children.But they were so cute, so kind and I think that some activities are international. It is really easy to explain some rules for some games like baseball or soccer. When you are in India carried out children who are in the need, ou don't think of your life in Europe. You learn how to put perspective some bad moments of your daily life in Europe. At Baby's Sarah Home, I forget all the bad things of Europe. This digress just happen at the right time. Now when I think about I have done in India, I have a really strong feeling, I would like to come back and to do others things in a way to help them.


I recommend to all students to have this experience. In France we are not used to make social work camp but It is a really good means to discover culture and to have a social experience. Moreover I think that I have improve my english during this work camp, and I always speak with the other participants. I hope to see them again, one day, perhaps in India!


Thomas Gainche.





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